Installing instructions for other linux distributions?
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I've tried this only when using archlinux as this was found in the official repos.
Any instruction on how to install it on other linux distributions like Debian?
This project is also available via CPAN so you should be able to install it from CPAN just like any other CPAN distribution/module/package. I don't have any experience with Debian in this regard, but I'm sure the Debian folks can help you out.
You should be able to install the cpanminus package (Debian has that AFAICT). Then you should be able to run cpanm --local-lib App::BorgRestore
to install it to ~/perl5. Then just put eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib)
in your .bashrc and you should be good to go I think.
Hi, debian person here telling you that this can indeed work on debian.
But you would need to change --local-lib=~/perl5/
in the cpanm
call and remove -T
in the first line of the