
Filter by content_type and language

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When I do the following request
curl -X GET ""
I'm getting the answer that is not filtered by content type or language.
Is this behaviour by design?
What parameters should I send in order to get output that filtered properly?
"name":"Baal HaSulam. The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence",
"name":"Lesson on the topic of "Connection in the Ten"",
"name":"Preparation to the Lesson",
"name":"Zohar for All. Pekudei, article "The Palace of Desire, Tifferet", item 715",
"name":"Baal HaSulam. The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence",
"name":"Baal HaSulam. TES. Vol. 1. Part 4, Histaklut Pnimit, chapter 1, item 6",
"name":"Lesson on the topic of "The Work in Faith Above Reason"",
"name":"Preparation to the Lesson",
"name":"Baal HaSulam. The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence",
"name":"Baal HaSulam. TES. Vol. 1. Part 4, chapter 6, item 18",
Thank you