Unnecessary autoboxing in AbstractCursor and generated cursors
Closed this issue · 4 comments
yargray commented
I think it isn't very efficient:
public Integer getIntegerOrNull(String colName) {
Integer index = getCachedColumnIndexOrThrow(colName); // int to Integer
if (isNull(index)) return null; // Integer to int
return getInt(index); // Integer to int and int to Integer
public class GeneratedCursor extends AbstractCursor {
public String getTitle() {
Integer index = getCachedColumnIndexOrThrow(GeneratedColumns.TITLE); // int to Integer
return getString(index); // Integer to int
yargray commented
Is there any progress for this issue? Problem is sufficiently important, Google recommend to avoid unnecessary autoboxing due performance issues and I think it may be easily fixed.
BoD commented
Hi! I don't believe a performance issue really exists until measurements are there to show its existence.
But if you really think this needs to be "fixed", please don't hesitate to submit a pull request :-)
yargray commented
OK, I'll try to do it on the weekend.
BoD commented
I think this has been fixed now.