
>>>output file not available after run is complete.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm iterating pop.evolve n times so I am using the >>>output statement to append data from each iteration in Anaconda on a WinPC..

        sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, step=20), 
            vars=['numOfSegSites', 'numOfFixedSites']),
        sim.PyEval(r'"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%4f\n" % (gen, 1-numOfSegSites-numOfFixedSites,'
            'numOfSegSites, numOfFixedSites, alleleFreq[0][1])',
            step=20, output='>>>BotNeckGens_sNs30.txt'), 

About half the time the file is listed in explorer, but when I try to open it the error says "the File is currently not available for use on this computer"


I can try to reproduce it if you can provide a minimal example to demonstrate the problem although I have not used windows for a long time. A quick search for this error message however indicates that this is windows specific and may have something to do with network drive etc. Could you first try to run the script on a regular disk or even a different machine?

Thanks for the quick response. I think you are correct that it has to do with the network drive. I think this happens only when the simulation is running while I am logged into the network drive.
I will work on it and maybe just avoid running simulations when I'm connected to the network.