
Error while trying to mount directory during the checkout step

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We have a class that uses checkoutDep: True. When our project is build bob downloads this dependency from archive:

PACKAGE   skipped (already downloaded in work/ext/autoconf-archive/aarch64-linux-gnu/dist/2/workspace)

When the recipe that uses this class is checked out we get an error that bob can't mount the workspace. But bob wants to mount its build directory and not the dist:

src/namespace-sandbox/namespace-sandbox.c:547: cannot mount '/path/to/recipes/work/ext/autoconf-archive/aarch64-linux-gnu/build/2/workspace' on '/tmp/tmp0r3btqqp/bob/4d28a660b06a15c4db54ad27bcd838cbee9ace6f/workspace': No such file or directory

I think I found the culprit. Could you give it a thorough testing?