
Azure Archive is broken

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sbixl commented


the Azure archive handling is broken, because the implementation depends on a (in the meantime) deprecated pip package azure-storage [1]. The import of BlockBlobService in the new pip package azure-storage-blob is not supported and the ContainerClient shall be used instead [2]. I studied the implementation of the class AzureArchive a little bit and it seems to be a bit more refactoring is required in order to switch to the new API. So I did not think I could provide a suitable pull request.



PS: If there is a bugfix available I can help with testing of up- and downloads of artifacts.


I guess Bob should move to the new API. Reimplementing the REST-API is probably not a viable option.

@sbixl I made some tests but it would be nice if you could test the changes too...

sbixl commented

I am currently having problems with my CI environment but at first glance the changes are working. The upload to the Azure account works without problems (tested with this). The download I can currently not test. I hope I get the problem solved over the weekend and can give feedback by the end of next week.

sbixl commented

Uploading and downloading to an Azure blob container works fine. :-) The only thing I noticed is that downloading an artifact takes much longer when working with the archive type: azure. When I download via http from the Azure archive it is much faster.

Archive type: azure

tests::cmake::greeter-cross: Duration: 0:13:16.857533, 3 checkouts (0 overrides active), 5 packages built, 3 downloaded. tests::cmake::greeter-host: Duration: 0:33:30.627560, 3 checkouts (0 overrides active), 5 packages built, 1 downloaded. tests::python::test Duration: 0:01:52.666133, 2 checkouts (0 overrides active), 2 packages built, 1 downloaded.

Archive type: http

tests::cmake::greeter-cross: Duration: 0:02:05.800365, 3 checkouts (0 overrides active), 5 packages built, 3 downloaded. tests::cmake::greeter-host: Duration: 0:02:08.481711, 3 checkouts (0 overrides active), 5 packages built, 1 downloaded. tests::python::test: Duration: 0:01:09.372338, 2 checkouts (0 overrides active), 2 packages built, 1 downloaded.

Do you have any idea why? I suspect that this has nothing to do with the implementation.

I think I found a possible problem that could cause the download speed issues. The Azure classes seem to implement a synchronous read() which implies a full roundtrip to the server. I added a buffer that should hide this problem. Let me know if this improves the performance for you.

sbixl commented

Looks much better now:

tests::cmake::greeter-cross: Duration: 0:03:39.353156, 3 checkouts (0 overrides active), 5 packages built, 3 downloaded. tests::cmake::greeter-host: Duration: 0:03:08.453847, 3 checkouts (0 overrides active), 5 packages built, 1 downloaded. tests::python::test: Duration: 0:00:54.736444, 2 checkouts (0 overrides active), 2 packages built, 1 downloaded.

Thanks for fixing that issue! :-)

Thanks for testing.