
Upgrade offers downgrade versions

wuuti opened this issue · 4 comments

wuuti commented

When I choose upgrade I am offered the following versions for my 2.4.3 (plOnly was configured to no):

  • MODX Revolution 2.5.0-rc1
  • MODX Revolution 2.4.3-pl
  • MODX Revolution 2.4.2-pl
  • MODX Revolution 2.4.1-pl
  • MODX Revolution 2.4.0-rc1

As downgrade is not tested (and imho is totally useless and not really provided by modx), the script should never give the option to downgrade an installation (by default).

I have not tested it extensively, but it's my understanding that it's common for people to use UGM to downgrade MODX. I can't think of any reason it would cause a problem, but maybe I'm missing something.

wuuti commented

You may be better informed about the usage here. But I cannot think of a good reason to downgrade an installation. At least this offers a way to re-introduce security issues, and that should not be supported, should it?

I can think of a good reason to downgrade: make the site work again, if a new version chopped everything to disaster-place. Isn't that good enough?
But maybe this behavior could be a setting, what do you think?

I will leave it as an option, though people can use it at their own risk. No one is forced to downgrade with the current settings. BTW, people often want to "Upgrade" to the version they already have when they have trouble and the cause might be a corrupted file in the process.