
Problem installing UpgradeMODX

hgw7m opened this issue · 6 comments

hgw7m commented

I'm trying to install UpgradeMODX 1.5.5 via PackageManagement into an older MODX 2.2.8. There is an error in the console log, the installer is unable to create chunk and snippet. I attach the log. The installer is not proceeding from the extra info page.

I cleared the cache and wiped out core/cache directory, tried again, same result. Also after deleting the package and new installation.

I've tried with PHP 5.6, PHP 5.5 and PHP 5.4.

Thanks for any hints.

I already upgraded an even older version (2.2.3) with UpgradeMODX and was very happy as it had been working great.

output-2018-07-30 1108.txt

Does 2.2.8 have widgets? Is there an UpgradeMODX resource? If so, try viewing it.

hgw7m commented

Yes it has, and the UpgradeMODX Widget is om the Dashboard. But the snippet and chunks are not installed, the console gives error message in red lines, but after them says installation was succesful:

chunk_err_createArray Error saving vehicle object of class modChunk; criteria: Array ( [name] => UpgradeMODXSnippetScriptSource ) chunk_err_createArray Error saving vehicle object of class modChunk; criteria: Array ( [name] => UpgradeMODXTpl ) snippet_err_createArray Error saving vehicle object of class modSnippet; criteria: Array ( [name] => UpgradeMODXWidget ) Could not install related objects with locally owned keys for vehicle object of class modCategory; criteria: Array ( [category] => UpgradeMODX )

I'm installing as Super User.

Thanks again, Bob!
Best regards

I wonder if mod_security is preventing those from saving. That's the only thing I can think of that would cause your symptoms.

Can you edit and save existing snippets and chunks?

Also, check the MODX Error Log.

hgw7m commented

Yes, I can change snippets. But when creating a chunk or a snippet, it's not saved and MODX is saying: Snippet Name is invalid ... / chunk name is invalid. Strange...

The error log is remaining empty.

Try repairing all the tables in the DB and manually deleting all files in the core/cache directory.

Is this still an issue?