
Upgrade MODX - nothing happens when attempting an upgrade

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

I installed the latest version of upgradeMODX no trouble, I can see the widget on the manager dashboard but when I click the 'Upgrade MODX' button nothing happens other than my session is logged out (I'm dumped on my website's index page attempting to load upgrade.php [not created on install?]).

Any ideas what the problem could be? The log (MODX and server) has nothing to go on but I would guess it's a permissions issue.

Some information on the environment:

Digital Ocean VPS:

  • Ubuntu 17.10
  • PHP 7.1.17
  • Apache 2.4.27
  • MySQL 14.14
  • MODX Revolution 2.5.2-pl
  • MODX core is renamed and outside of the site root

Funny how you discover the answer after posting an issue as a last resort..!

To future solution hunters, the fix for this issue was to ensure that the directory was owned the web-server user, not just in the web-server user group.