
After updating, UpgradeMODX fails to enter the admin panel. HTTP error ERROR 500

kos0760 opened this issue · 11 comments

Updated UpgradeMODX to version 2.0.2-pl. After that, I can't log in to the modx admin panel. HTTP error ERROR 500

In the server error log:

[error] [client ...] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/.../data/www/.../core/docs/changelog.txt
PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/.../data/www/.../core/components/upgrademodx/processors/ugmprocessor.class.php on line 41

version of php on the server 5.4.45

It turned out that the problem was in the widget.

I don't know what to make of that error.

This is line 41 of that file:

public $logFilePath = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'cache/logs/upgrademodx.log';

The only thing I can think of is that either MODX_CORE_PATH is empty or contains a syntax error, but since it's running from the Manager, I don't see how either condition would be possible.

I have the same error after update to latest version 2.0.2-pl

Modx version 2.6.5-pl

Test in PHP Version 5.4.45, 5.6 and 7.1

schermata 2018-11-07 alle 16 20 12

Thank! I deleted the UpgradeMODX widget from the main page through the database and the site was working. The fact is that on my other sites I updated UpgradeMODX and there were no problems. Only on one site appeared this error, so I am not critical.

I think this is the fix for that:

I'll be releasing a new version soon. You can also look at the fix here

Sorry, I think that fix is incorrect. Watch for the new version.

Hi @kos0760 @gravino81,
can you check if this is still happening with "2.1.2-pl"?

Hi, I have the same error after update on Modx version 2.6.5-pl

2.1.2-pl same error (

I really thought I'd corrected that in this commit.

I haven't been able to duplicate the error on any platform, so I can't troubleshoot it.

Hi @BobRay
Don't know if this is the same issue, but here is what i believe might be the cause.

My setup

  • Modx v 2.6.5
  • UpgradeMODX plugin v1.5.5

How to reproduce

  • Upgrade packages
  • UpgradeMODX v1.5.5 -> v2.1.2

What happened

  • The admin manager gave a 500 error
  • fatal error message Call to undefined method UpgradeMODX::versionListExists() in the upgrademodx snippet.
  • In the snippet on line 127 here is the line of code $versionListExists = $upgrade->versionListExists();
  • I'm guessing in the core modx they added some functions to the $upgrade class, which are not in earler versions of modx core ie 2.6.5, but is in 2.7.1.

How I fixed.

  • Found old version of upgrademodx snippet, and replaced.
  • Remove the version and then Re install upgrademodx 1.5.5
  • Upgrade modx 2.7.1
  • Upgrade Packages. (upgrademodx to v2.1.2)

Is it possible that the error message specified line 106 rather than 126?

This error is usually caused by a problem with the News and/or Security feeds on the dashboard, rather than UGM. There's a discussion of it in the troubleshooting section of the docs.