
ProgressButton is not defined

muzzwood opened this issue · 6 comments

With the released of MODX 2.7.0, UpgradeMODX shows the new version however the "Begin Upgrade" button looks like there's something wrong with it and it's not clickable.
See screenshot:

screenshot_2018-11-28 dashboard barre 2 barre

I checked the browser console and it has this error:

GET https://modx.local/assets/components/upgrademodx/js/progressbutton.js 404
ReferenceError: ProgressButton is not defined - ugm-bottom.js:43:1 
<anonymous> https://modx.local/assets/components/upgrademodx/js/ugm-bottom.js:43:1


  • MODX 2.6.5
  • Firefox 63.0.3 and Chrome 70.0.3538.110

Update: Same problem when using [[!UpgradeMODXWidget]] on a resource.

Might be worth posting more information about your server environment / version of UpgradeMODX. I upgraded to 2.7 this morning without any problems.

I think i found it…. It calls for progressbutton.js but the file is called progressButton.js. So capital B.

Quick fix:
Go to ‘Chunks’ > ‘UpgradeMODX’ > ‘UpgradeMODXTpl’ and replace line 12 for:

<script src="[[+ugm_assets_url]]js/progressButton.js"></script>

Nice one!

Cool beans!

I swear I fixed that a couple of versions ago. I hate it when old issues come back. ;)

FYI, I will probably go the other way when fixing it and just rename the file in keeping with the MODX convention of all lowercase file names.

[Update] Scratch that. Enough people have made the fix (and Git on Windows doesn't see the file as renamed -- which is why the problem is back). I'll use the fix posted by gerbenvandekraats (Thanks).