
Add php version check during installation

Ruslan-Aleev opened this issue · 9 comments

It's not nice to see that a manager crashes with an error, and it can't be fixed quickly.


And in general, it is doubtful to require a PHP version from a small component; PHP 8 is not yet relevant for all sites.

Yes, just discovered that, too. The error shows up at the top of the widget, and trying to upgrade generates a popup javascript error, like:

Error requesting page /assets/components/upgrademodx/connector.php?action=downloadfiles&props%5Bugm_setup_url%5D=https%3A%2F%2F[domainname] (etc.)

I just auto-updated all my sites using SiteDash, so now I have to go and revert them all by hand!

BobRay commented

Could you guys be a little more specific. UGM itself does not require PHP 8. Is this an issue with Guzzle (which I was forced to upgrade due to a security issue)?


Could you guys be a little more specific

The sequence of my actions.

  1. We have a website on MODX 2.8.5, running on php version 7.4.
  2. Using the package manager, I update UpgradeMODX to version 2.3.4-pl.
  3. And that’s it, I go to the manager, but it doesn’t work with the error above.

As I understand it, the php version is checked in the file - /core/components/upgrademodx/vendor/composer/platform_check.php

BobRay commented

Thanks. I've verified that version 2.3.4 does not run on PHP 7.4.

I see the problem: symfony/deprecation-contracts requires Php 8. I'm not sure how to fix this. I upgraded symfony to get rid of a bunch of deprecation warnings.

Thanks for the answer.
Alternatively, you can specify php requirements in the installer that would block the installation of a new version of the component, and the user would decide for himself whether to change the php version or not; If the problem cannot be fixed.

p.s. Although I’m not sure that this will be useful for automatic updating through the SitiDash, for example.

BobRay commented

The problem is mostly solved, except for some spurious error messages in the console when you install or upgrade.

As a workaround, you can put this in the composer.json file:

"config": {
"platform-check": false

If there is already a config section, just add the middle line to it. I think that will makes things work, but I haven't tested it.

BobRay commented

Fixed in 2.3.5-pl -- released.

Works great, Bob. Thanks for the quick turnaround!

BobRay commented

Your welcome! Thanks for the feedback.