
Unknown field in show property

EkoOne opened this issue · 5 comments

Duplicate of #37

After upgrading NP to v3.0 I get the error: Unknown field in show property: when editing a front-end page using TW (MagicPublisher). However, editing the same page from the Manager works perfectly.

The front-end worked fine under NP v2.1.0.

Is there a comma or space at the end of your &show property in the NewsPublisher snippet tag?

I defined the &show property in a custom (MagicPublisher) pset but no, there is no comma or space.

I'm an idiot. the arguments in that line (line 981 of the newspublisher class file) are backwards.
It should be:

$show = rtrim($show, ',' );

OK, fixed. The only substantive change is in the newspublisher.class.php file.


Works for me. Thanks Bob.