
How to resolve Conflict of elFinder search url parameter and MODX' q

donShakespeare opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm afraid I don't understand this issue. Can you fill me in?

MODX hijacks the &q parameter for his htaccess redirecting and whatnot - how presumptuous of it.
Although the request_parameter_alias can be changed from q in system settings, I suggest MODX use something more proprietary as default, like q_modx, but until then ...

If you do directly myMODXresource.html?q=exampleETC you get a 404 page

Well, if your elFinder connector is a MODX resource...
and one were to do a search in elFinder for an item using the enter key for a thorough search,
the search query is appended / posted to the elFinder connector resource in this familiar fashion ...
By the time MODX renders that page in the backend, a 404 error would be tossed back and the elFinder search would invariably fail.

Solution: one could change MODX' behaviour, or elFinder's.
Since it is easier to let users not meddle with their existing MODX setup I'd go with fixing elFinder's request procedure

Done (I hope). #43

Yup, that should do it.