
Constant crashes when using custom mapinfo

Opened this issue · 4 comments

PsyDoom crashes at startup without prompting me info about an error when I use custom mods with MapInfo. Sometimes, it may show introductory images but in this case it closes abnormally.
It doesn't crash when there is only one map description in MapInfo. After adding several new ones the problem arises.

Thanks for sharing this report @mr-around. Any chance you could point me to where those mods are so I can try to reproduce? Or could you attach them to this thread if they are not too large?
The problematic mod is in the attachments. It only works fine without PSXDOOM_EXT.WAD (which contains map title, music tracks and echo type for each level).

Thank you, will take a look!

This should be fixed with the next build of PsyDoom. Will close out the ticket once that build is made.