
hot reload does not work correctly when using typescript

6thpath opened this issue · 5 comments

Whenever i save changes, codecrumbs still detect changes and recompile but the trail option on browser contain only current option, others are disappeared.

Hi there, thanks for the report. Can you please show an example what several consecutive codedrumbs you wrote (and they didn’t appear together)? Are they part of one trail? Do they appear if you reload browser tab manually?
Thanks 🙂

They are different trails. The trail options appear again if i reload browser tab manually.

here's an example, i have 3 trails:
on browser, if i choose "appmodule", then make a change on project file then save it, pipeline and guard disappeared, only appmodule in trail option

Yeah, I see, so here is the thing - it shows only one trail at the time. It’s kind of “feature” and not a bug ;) If you try
//cc:appmodule#1;first step
//cc:appmodule#2;second step
//cc:appmodule#3;third step
You will see these 3 steps.

thank you for the answer :D