
Restoring a backup loses the stylesheet (all styling)

nicolepaschen opened this issue · 3 comments

WP 5.4 + Backup 1.14.2 + Crio 2.3.1

Took a backup on my live site and transferred to CWP. All my CSS is gone.


The above issue was due to using minify with W3. Disabling minify fixed that issue.

I have an existing site using Crio + Backup + W3. Minify isn't enabled. I took a backup on the live site and transferred to CWP. I did the updates in CWP and my site looked fine.

I brought that backup to my live site and restored. The fonts on the front end are not the Customizer selections. When the Customizer is open I see my correct fonts but when I close the Customizer the fonts revert back to incorrect ones.

Something gets lost when it transfers. The live site had the last version of Crio, then I updated it in CWP so when it went back live it was the new version. I think it's related to that ?

This time I had a completely up to date site and moved to a CWP. The fonts are broken. It happens only with Crio so not sure where the bug actually lives.