

Opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Flesh out the structure, and make it a complete implementation of "SNARK protocol".
    • General over field and pairing implementation.
    • Module to say TypeI/TypeIII (every SRS element has an associated group, if it's TypeI copy the elements into the other group). Maybe make an LinearPCPSNARKScheme.isTypeI def to check this
    • subclass/typeclass for the special decidable snarks
    • Is there a way to specify that a particular tactic should be used by default to close the soundness proposition goal?
  • Port to lean 4
    • Skip this and port by hand
    • If I don't skip, get the mathlib3 working latest version
    • Run mathport
  • Reach out to Helger again/bring that email thread to a close