
model.pkl unpacking problem

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I want to take a look at what's in model.pkl. However, when I open it using the following code, the output is a series of number.

import pickle
info = pickle.load(open('./model/MSBDNet/checkpoint/msbdn_model.pkl', 'rb'), encoding='utf-8')


Is that the decoding problem? Or do I need some specific package to unpack it, if so,could you please tell which one should I use?
Thank you very much.

Hi @zsjhhh
If you have a look at the README, it states that model.pkl is the checkpoints file.
This means that it contains the weights of the model architecture.
You can load it similar to the line given in

model = torch.load(test_pkl, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)

However, looking at the contents of it won't give you any information.

hello, sorry to bother you. when I load the pretrained model in another project like this:
model = torch.load(test_pkl, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage), the error infomation is "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'networks'" , I am puzzled about why the structure should be the same as the original project, with in the networks directory. Can you help me about this problem? Thank you for your help in advance.