
Payment has write access while Booking Payment has not

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A Payment is being made outside BooskingSync, and as such I'd like to push it through the API for the booking status to be updated.

Following the documentation, I'm firstly using the Payment endpoint :

Then, in order to link it to a booking, I'm finding the Booking Payment endpoint has no write access, only read :

Can such payments be linked to a booking ?

hi @challet

BookingsPayment entity is actually an internal detail for linking payments with bookings if it happens that one payment is for multiple bookings.

The payments are always linked to the booking when creating a payment via API, to create the payment, you need to send POST request to: POST /bookings/:booking_id/payments, so the booking ID has to be specified in the URL.

hi @Azdaroth, thanks for the clarification. So if I understand well :

  • Payments with multiple bookings are not available to create via API
  • POSTing on /bookings/:booking_id/payments will create both a Payment and a BookingPayment, which then have each their own url /payments/:payment_id and /bookings_payments/:bookings_payment_id

@challet Exactly, true for both points.