
Add more signatures for Windows API functions

ceeac opened this issue · 2 comments

ceeac commented

Currently, decompilation of Windows executables produces unreadable and/or semantically wrong output because the signatures for most of the Windows API functions are missing. We should add signatures for at least the most commonly used ones.

cb88 commented

Wouldn't support for automatic signature generation make sense also? Then just point boomerang at the windows SDK etc?

ceeac commented

Yes, but there are a few more points to consider:

  • The current signature parser (AnsiC{Parser.y,Scanner.l}) only supports a subset of C so it would need to be expanded to support reading 'real-world' header files. It might also be possible to use clang for this; see #17.
  • Boomerang currently also infers other information from the header files: For example, currently a call to __isoc99_scanf is automatically converted to a call to scanf. This information would need to be incorporated.

That said, a tool for automatically generating Bomerang compatible function signature information from header files will definitely be useful. But that is certainly not a "good first issue"/easy kind of task.