Japanese input IME window position is over text
WeberAlex opened this issue · 7 comments
Boost Note version 1.50.0 Web app
Tested on
Chrome 93
Windows 10 (IME Japanese)
Tested on
Chrome 93
Chrome OS (IME Japanese)
I'd like to use Boost Note to learn Japanese, but the IME window in Windows 10, and Chrome OS, is positioned over the text. It renders almost impossible to input a non Western language.
Boost Note + IME (Windows 10)
Boost Note + IME (Chrome OS)
Obsidian + IME (for comparison)
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Hi, WeberAlex,
Can you tell me how do you get IME in your scenario, how did you set it up and exact Windows 10 build, is it latest?
EDIT: Okay, I managed to get it to work (eg. see its occluding the view), seems to be an issue with Japaneese only, I'll try reproducing/fixing in code.
Hello Komediruzecki,
Windows 10 Home, Version 19042.1165, Build 20H2 In English Language (UK) + Japanese language pack installed (IME). Chrome OS 93 (latest) English Language (UK) + Japanese input (from Google) installed
Yes that's correct, it is occluding the view on both OS. Thank you if you can fix it!
Yeah, I'll try reproducing it and see if some updates fixes this, electron had such issues previously, simple note as well and there is bunch of users complaining about the issue with various configurations, so I'll try the simple fixes first and see from there.
Hello WeberAlex,
After some investigation, updating the CodeMirror and Electron versions, nothing helped, the CodeMirror issue for IME: codemirror/codemirror5#3137 says that they won't be fixing this in CodeMirror v5.x.x but v6.x.x has this in mind, so there is a bit of workaround that seems to work for our case, so I applied it in this PR: #1190.
Hope this will help and will not add more problems.
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