No way to use Boost Note offline anymore -- what happened?
codicusmaximus opened this issue · 4 comments
Forcing a sign-up to use a note taking application is unacceptable. The application is completely non-functional without an account. This is uncomfortable for a variety of reasons, privacy, reliability (doesn't work if your servers are down), trust, the fact that I use my machines regularly while offline -- the list goes on and on. I don't know what the motivation was behind this but it doesn't seem well intentioned to me.
I hunted down an old version before this application was totally messed up and I sincerely hope that whomever is guiding this project comes to their senses. Either that or someone needs to fork and rebrand.
Screenshot for irony:
Boost note legacy is the offline application you can use, as many users are.
This repository currently holds boost note next cloud application - this can be used with sign up only.
And local spaces for boost note next is separated into different application, again for offline use, you can download it from this repository:
The article is written 4 years ago and we know that some people still need the local app so we've already forked this repo by ourselves. Please check
The roadmap discussion stated that:
Apart from any critical updates, the Boost Note local application will be updated at the end of each month, including any bug fixes, improvements, and new features.
But since the last release on 24 Sep there's no update to this repository's (public) network.
that was the plan, of course, if there are no significant features implemented, none should be released.
I was very busy the last few months so didn't have time to work on local spaces, but there is some work that could be released.
I'll try to push the next release by the end of this month, hopefully with a few new (additional to current) features.
P.S. Please use local space discussions and github repo for any problems regarding local spaces.