
Identify and localize COVID-19 abnormalities on chest radiographs.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Kaggle: COVID-19 Detection

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In this competition, you’ll identify and localize COVID-19 abnormalities on chest radiographs. In particular, you'll categorize the radiographs as negative for pneumonia or typical, indeterminate, or atypical for COVID-19. Organizers provided dataset - imaging data and annotations from a group of radiologists.

Sample images

In other words the task to solve is image classification accompanied by attention

  • user shall classify patient COVID19 situation and also tell why think so, what are the regions in the scan that makes him think this case is positive.

Label distribution


install this tooling

A simple way how to use this basic functions:

! pip install https://github.com/Borda/kaggle_COVID-detection/archive/main.zip

see local notebook

run notebooks in Kaggle

some results

Training progress with ResNet50 with training for 50 epochs:

Training process Training process