Russian encoding

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How can i get a list of entities with russian encoding?

Can you give me an example of query with Wikidata or another Sparql Endpoint ?
And the result of this query with russian encoding.


Here is the query:
SELECT ?human ?humanLabel WHERE { ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . #find humans ?human rdf:type wdno:P40 . #with at least one P40 (child) statement defined to be "no value" SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "ru" } }
And the result:

�оик�, Ю�ико

Ха��и, Ф�мико

�ан��ла �а�мена

Т�и Ри�ма�а�ини

Раджи, �и�джини�

�ала� Равал�манана

�нн �дал�го

Can you test with this last commit ?

Works! Thank you!