
navbar covering the container

danielpetrica opened this issue · 6 comments

New Issue
thememaker site generator page telegram theme maker

As you can see the nav bar is covering the container, to prevent this I added a padding at the top of the title, but is there another way to correct it? I think that different div shouldn't overlap

Old issue:
The issue exist on if you go to the table you can see a strange line cutting the first row. (i'm on windows 10 x64, with google chrome)
That's a screenshoot:
thememaker site generator page telegram theme maker

I couldn't see anything. But thank you for your bug report.

You seem to have made a mistake regarding the layout though. The proper layout is:


hi, yes I saw that the error was on my side, that's why I closed it. thanks.

@Borderliner I had some issue with the navbar covering the container, when I cancel the title padding (added by me)

This is going to be fixed in the next release. For now, all you have to do is to set a margin-top of 60px for your container.

.container {
  margin-top: 60px;

I'll keep this open until the next point release.

Docs were updated to contain the latest structure to build Meshki.