
Does it support lyrics?

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I searched existed questions to find out if music-metadata support parse embeded lyrics while there isn't results.
code like this below, this.lyrics is always null while the .mp3 file does exist embeded lyrics:

  async getMetadata() {
    this.lyrics = mm.common.lyrics ? mm.common.lyrics : ['null']

To avoid the .mp3 file is broken, I tried other npm library like id3-parser, it can parse the embeded lyrics

Add supplementary note

const mm = await parseFile(this.filePath, { duration: true })

Would love to see lyrics support! It's an official ID3 tag.

There is some lyrics support present, including the ID3v2 / ID3v2 SYLT tag.

Unit test covering this:

t.deepEqual(metadata.common.lyrics, [
'The way we\'re living makes no sense',
'Take me back to the age of innocence',
'I wanna go back then',

Tag mapping (I know, very hard to scroll to the right side of the table): here.

But there maybe lyric standards which are not support yet, such as Lyrics3 v2.00, which I believe is requested here: #264.

Interesting. I can't tell what version of lyrics kid3 is using, but see the screenshot below:

CleanShot 2024-05-17 at 12 19 00

And (surprisingly) ffprobe can detect this too:

Input #0, wav, from 'quiet.wav':
    genre           : Ambient
    creation_time   : 10:54:55
    time_reference  : 283583
    umid            : 0xBB6126C10EAD442384B897E045E2CC3200000000000000000000000000000000
    title           : Test Track
    artist          : Sam Hulick
    album           : Album Name
    track           : 1
    lyrics-eng      : Hello hello!
    date            : 2023

And actually, I do see lyrics in music-metadata's output! Just not where I thought it would be (under a USLT tag in native):

  native: {
    'ID3v2.3': [
      { id: 'TIT2', value: 'Test Track' },
      { id: 'TPE1', value: 'Sam Hulick' },
      { id: 'TALB', value: 'Album Name' },
      { id: 'TRCK', value: '1' },
        id: 'USLT',
        value: { language: 'eng', description: '', text: 'Hello hello!' }
      { id: 'TYER', value: '2023' },
      { id: 'TCON', value: 'Ambient' }

So this really isn't a big issue. It would be nice if it appeared under common for easy access, but it's just a nice-to-have.

Seems that an attempt to map USLT had defined, but was never really implemented properly.

'USLT:description': 'lyrics',