
Issue with IB Designables

Axemasta opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been playing about with check boxes using storyboards and come across an error I can't seem to fix.

I have created a UIView and set its class to BEMCheckBox. This will load a checkbox up in the simulator perfectly. What then happens is that a red warning appears and the storyboard will no longer update anything you do. The error message is below:

Main.storyboard: error: IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status for ViewController (BYZ-38-t0r): Failed to load designables from path (null)

The app builds and runs as intended, I just can't use the storyboard, currently using Xcode version Version 9.0.1 (9A1004).

Any ideas on a fix?

Just to clarify the provided demo project functions as intended, the UIView actually shows the checkbox lines in the storyboard and has no errors! See image provided below, left if the project storyboard, middle is that storyboard in simulator and right is the demo project provided by you guys!

screen shot 2017-10-27 at 14 19 45

I managed to get this issue fixed, turns out you needed to uncomment use_frameworks! within the podfile and reinstall to get everything working. I didn't realise you needed to uncomment this line if you were using Objective C but I guess now I know!

Below is a picture of the project, xcode is happy now!

screen shot 2017-10-27 at 14 31 27