
Easy to use Lottie animation player based on lottie-web.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lottielab Lottielab Player

@lottielab/lottie-player is a lightweight and versatile web player for Lottie animations exported from Lottielab.


  • Simple and easy-to-use API.
  • Lightweight: <50KiB compressed (~160KiB minified)
  • Web component: use the player easily within any HTML content
  • React support: also provides a separate React Lottie player component
  • Robust: uses lottie-web, the industry-standard Lottie library
  • Secure: eliminates insecure lottie-web features, such as expressions
  • Type-safe: written in TypeScript with strict typings available.

⚙️ Installation


npm install --save @lottielab/lottie-player


yarn add @lottielab/lottie-player

📜 Usage

🔵 Web Component (HTML, universal)

The easiest way to get started is to import the script directly from the Lottielab CDN, preferably inside your <head> element:

<script src="https://cdn.lottielab.com/s/lottie-player@1.x/player-web.min.js"></script>

Then, to play a Lottie:

<lottie-player src="https://cdn.lottielab.com/l/8ok2qzQDyoFeyf.json" autoplay loop>

If you already have a build pipeline, you might prefer loading the script from within your code. You can simply import the file:

import '@lottielab/lottie-player/web';
// or: import '@lottielab/lottie-player';

...and then use the <lottie-player> component from anywhere, like in the example above.

Since the player is a web component, it can be used from any HTML content, which means you can readily use it even from frameworks for which it doesn't provide a custom component, such as Vue, Angular, Svelte, and others.

The player can also be used programatically like any other HTML element:

import Lottie from '@lottielab/lottie-player/web';
// or: import { LottieWeb as Lottie } from '@lottielab/lottie-player';

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
  // create the element
  const lottie = new Lottie();

  // set attributes
  lottie.setAttribute('src', 'path/to/your-animation.json');
  lottie.setAttribute('autoplay', 'false');

  // add to the DOM

  // full animation API is now available:
  lottie.speed = 1.5;
  // and so on...


The animation playback can be controlled in depth using a simple-to-use API. Click below to see the full docs.

Full API docs
HTML Attributes

These are attributes that can be set on the <lottie-player> component in HTML.

Name Type Description
src string The source path or url for the Lottie animation.
autoplay boolean Whether the animation should autoplay.
loop boolean or number Whether the animation should loop (true or false). Alternatively, pass a number to set the number of loops an animation should play before pausing.
speed number Speed of the animation. 1 represents the normal (real-time) speed of the animation; values less than 1 are slower than normal, and higher values are faster. For example, 0.5 plays twice as slow and 2 plays twice as fast.
direction 1, -1, forwards, backwards Direction in which the animation plays. 1 is the same as forwards and -1 is the same as backwards.

Example usage:


These methods provide controls for playing, stopping, pausing, seeking, and looping the Lottie animation.

Name Parameters Description
play() / Plays the animation.
pause() / Pauses the Lottie animation at the current frame.
stop() / Pauses the animation and resets it to the beginning.
seek(timeSeconds) timeSeconds: number Moves the animation to a specific point in time, in seconds.
seekToFrame(frame) frame: number Moves the animation to a specific frame.
loopBetween(timeSeconds1, timeSeconds2) timeSeconds1: number, timeSeconds2: number Loops between two points in time (in seconds) within the Lottie animation.
loopBetweenFrames(frame1, frame2) frame1: number, frame2: number Loops between two frames within the Lottie animation.

Example usage:

// get the reference to an animation from the DOM
// (it's also possible to create the player programmatically)
const lottie = document.querySelector('lottie-player#my-lottie');

// seek to 5 seconds into the animation

// pause

These properties can be accessed and modified on the component class to control various aspects of the Lottie animation.

Name Type Description
playing boolean Whether the Lottie animation is playing at the moment. Setting it has a similar effect as calling play() or pause().
currentTime number Current position, in seconds, of the Lottie animation playhead. Setting it has a similar effect as calling seek().
currentFrame number Current position, in frames, of the Lottie animation playhead. Settting it has a similar effect as calling seekToFrame().
frameRate number (read-only) Returns the preferred frame rate of the Lottie. Note that, being an implicit vector format, the animation technically has an infinite frame rate.
duration number (read-only) Duration of the Lottie animation in seconds.
durationFrames number (read-only) Duration of the Lottie animation in frames.
loop boolean or number Whether the animation should loop (true or false). Alternatively, it can be a number to set the number of loops an animation should play before pausing.
direction 1 or -1 Direction in which the animation is played. A value of 1 plays the animation in a forwards direction, whereas -1 plays the animation in reverse.
speed number Current speed of the animation. 1 is normal speed; values above 1 are faster and below are slower. For example, 0.5 is twice as slow and 2 is twice as fast.
animation AnimationItem from lottie-web Returns the underlying lottie-web instance. Note that the exact behavior of the underlying instance is not covered by the semver guarantee.
animationData Lottie JSON Returns the actual underlying Lottie JSON.
// get the reference to an animation from the DOM
// (it's also possible to create the player programmatically)
const lottie = document.querySelector('lottie-player#my-lottie')

// play the animation
lottie.playing = true;

// seek to specific time
lottie.currentTime = 3; // seeks to 3 seconds

// get the total duration in frames
let animationDuration = lottie.durationFrames;
console.log(`Duration in frames: ${animationDuration}`); // Duration in frames: 400

🔵 React Component

Import the component:

import Lottie from '@lottielab/lottie-player/react';
// or: import { LottieReact as Lottie } from '@lottielab/lottie-player';

Then use it:

const MyComponent = () => <Lottie src="https://cdn.lottielab.com/l/8ok2qzQDyoFeyf.json" />;

Alternatively, you can provide a deserialized Lottie JSON directly, rather than a URL. This can be easier, since it can integrate better with your build pipeline and bundler:

// note: make sure to setup JSON imports in your build pipeline
import myAnimation from './path/to/your/animation.json';

const MyComponent = () => <Lottie lottie={myAnimation} />;


The component allows some setup via props, and can provide the underlying player for deeper control. Click below to see the full docs.

Full API docs

These props can be passed to the component to control various aspects of the Lottie animation.

Name Type Description
lottie Lottie animation data Deserialized Lottie JSON of the animation to display. Alternatively, you can pass a URL to fetch the lottie from, see src below.
src string URL from where to load the animation. This can be a relative path, but it will be fetched using an HTTP request, not bundled. See also lottie above.
ref React ref If provided, the ref will be populated with a full player instance capable of controlling the animation. See "Controlling the animation" below.
autoplay boolean Whether the animation should play as soon as the React component is mounted.
loop boolean or number Whether the animation should loop (true or false). Alternatively, pass a number to set the number of loops an animation should play before pausing.
direction 1 or -1 Direction in which the animation is played. A value of 1 plays the animation in a forwards direction, whereas -1 plays the animation in reverse.
speed number Current speed of the animation. 1 is normal speed; values above 1 are faster and below are slower. For example, 0.5 is twice as slow and 2 is twice as fast.
Controlling the animation

The single-direction data flow enforced by React means that some features, such as manually pausing and playing the animation or seeking it, are not readily available, since they would require bi-directional data flow.

Instead, you can get access to the underlying player instance by passing a ref:

import Lottie from '@lottielab/lottie-player/react';
import myAnimation from './path/to/your/animation.json';
// For TypeScript, also do:
// import { ILottie } from '@lottielab/lottie-player/react'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const lottieRef = useRef(null); // TypeScript: useRef<ILottie | null>(null)
  return (
      <Lottie lottie={myAnimation} ref={lottieRef} autoplay={false} />;
      <button onClick={() => lottieRef.current?.play()}>Play!</button>

The object provided to your ref will conform to the ILottie interface, which the web component also implements. You can refer to the "Properties" and "Methods" documentation in the Web Component section above.

Note that, using methods and properties of the provided ILottie, it's possible to override the passed-in props.


After cloning the repo, run npm install. To build the web bundle, run npm run build. Changes can be tested using the playground using npm run playground, which will open the playground in your web browser. Then, click on either the react/ or web/ directories and you'll be able to test the corresponding component.

Release checklist

  1. npm install
  2. Bump version in package.json
  3. Bump version of X_LOTTIE_PLAYER in src/common/player.ts
  4. npm run build
  5. npm run playground, check all of the examples with different Lottie URLs. Verify all controls are working.
  6. Create a new git tag: git tag -a vX.X.X -m "Release X.X.X" (replace X.X.X with the semver version)
  7. Create a new release: https://github.com/lottielab/lottie-player/releases/new


MIT · Made with ❤️ by Lottielab