
Simple Configurable Products Conflict

Opened this issue · 2 comments

In your documentation you state that there are known issues with the Simple Configurable Products module.

We are very interested in using your module but would also like to use Simple Configurable Products.

Could you provide an explanation of the issues you have found using this module please? If we can address them as part of our development, we'd happily contribute them back to project as a pull request.

I'd also be interested to know this, the same with uRapidFlow (I'm assuming it just doesn't import into the right location). As a side note @paulpartington I would advise caution with using SCP, we've been using it for ~4 years but it's caused us a lot of headaches with both performance and compatibility with 3rd party modules.

I'm a bit late to this but was clicking through the GitHub issues. I don't recall the specific issues but I do recall that it would be significantly easier to rebuild SCP yourself in a cleaner way than to try to introduce compatibility. It'd also probably save a lot of future headaches.