Any plan for spontaneous contributions reward ?
osarrouy opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi guys,
We are working on pando - a distributed git like system - through an Aragon grant.
We are thinking of making use of the StandardBounties interface to make our bounty issuance system as standard as possible.
However we also need to implement one feature which do not seem to be handled by this standard yet: the need for a spontaneous request to ask for a reward.
Let's say someone corrects a bug which has not been seen yet by the maintainers. What should be the process for him to ask a reward in exchange of his contribution.
Would love to hear your thoughts about that, and if needed, contribute to define an extended standard for that.
@osarrouy So it seems to me like this could actually be implemented in an off-chain fashion, in one of two manners:
- before the work is done, someone could request a bounty (in some off-chain channel, or through your platform), and if the maintainers agree, they can just create a bounty. Then the flow follows the one outlined in the contracts
- if work is already done (and they want to be paid for it), they could just send the ETH transaction on-chain, removing the need to use the bounties contracts altogether. If they want to use the contracts to prove the exchange of IP for funds, they could follow option 1
I think the key here is relying on off-chain communication methods, and only using the contracts when it's deemed necessary