Vanilla Arma 3 Loadouts
zerithsmash opened this issue · 11 comments
Who wants to make some vanilla Arma 3 loadouts for this month in-case all the mods break with the next patch?
I think it would be nice to have anyway just in-case anything does break at anytime.
I can do that. Do we just need one set of load outs for each faction? When is the next update set to come out?
Yeah, just csat,aaf, and nato. Maybe an FIA variant. Sometime in the next 3 weeks I think on the update. Just something to have in-case everything dies in a fire. It should be pretty easy to do for IND/BLU since you mostly just change the defines, but opfor will be more difficult since we haven't updated the gear yet.
I'm going to start with NATO and AAF, just in case anyone else wants to contribute to this as well. I'll update as I finish them. Also, how would you feel about 5.56mm and 6.5mm variants for both NATO and CSAT?
I think he finished this, but wasn't sure how to make the PR.
Just send them to me, I'll make add them to the updated loadouts
You can also create a fork, and do pull requests.
I have some loadouts from Shanahan, I will try to get them added and test them sometime over the weekend. I'm a bit busy with server stuff ATM. If someone wants to do it before I get to it, shoot me a message and I'll send you the files.
Bumping this. Can someone PLEASE help test these loadouts so we can get them merged?
Bumping this. Can someone PLEASE help test these loadouts so we can get them merged?