
Update framework for use with Advanced Medical

AACO opened this issue · 1 comments

AACO commented


  • Create branch for advanced medical changes/testing
  • Add CFR (Combat First Responder) to loadout (replaces a rifleman in the 6 man FTs, what unit should we use?)
  • Update loadouts with new medical loadouts (as detailed by Hypo in AdvMed Discussion)
  • Update ACE Medical module with AdvMed settings (copy from the second iteration of Soviet's medical test mission)
  • Update fireteam coloring
  • ¿Give CFRs their own map markers?
  • Update respawn to handle CFRs (and update the way riflemen are handled)
  • Create a targeted, concise, and informative briefing tab for Advanced Medical.
AACO commented

Advanced medical branch code complete