
Create Example Project / Usage

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Create a Mono repo of:

  • Frontend Project
  • Admin Project
  • Postgraphile Backend

The Project should have a simple Use Case (e.g. a Blog).


  • Authentication

Thank you very much :).

braco commented

Regarding documentation/examples, one common pattern I haven't figured out is if there's a more efficient way to represent nested properties / join queries like this:

Postgraphile query:

  user(id: "1") {
    userResources {
      nodes {
        resource {

userResources is a join table between user and resource. You would imagine the admin table would be | userResource.added under the user. It seems like react-admin encourages use of <ReferenceField>, but this fires off separate requests.

Yes, that's the concept of react-admin, because it comes from a more REST centric idea. Currently, we do not expose entities like that, if we detect an object we do not expand it automatically. You can change this behaviour by specifying the Type at queryValueToInputValueMap. (See As this is currently quite limiting, I want to add a better configuration method were it's also possible to pass arguments to possible fields.