
full-text search/filter

TimKraemer opened this issue · 0 comments


amazing project! Thanks for all the work!

I don't find a hint in issues or documentation on how to use ra's <SearchInput> with ra-postgraphile. They're writing:

In the example given above, the q filter triggers a full-text search on all fields. It’s your responsibility to implement the full-text filtering capabilities in your dataProvider, or in your API.

So I'm guessing this is the right place to look for an implementation. I found the hint in this documentation:

For full-text search capabilities, the following plugin is also required:

const PostGraphileFulltextFilterPlugin = require('postgraphile-plugin-fulltext-filter')

I did install this, but I'm not sure if this is what I need nor how to use it instead of ra's <SearchInput>.

Any hint in the right direction would be very much appreciated!
