
i3wm setup script coded in python, makes setup automated and easy

Primary LanguagePython

i3wm setup script

i3wm setup script makes setting up my i3 setup automation and easy


If you want to run script from a local file or if you want to make your own modifications just clone the repository into your local filesystem:

git clone https://github.com/BradHeff/i3_setup.git


to run the script you must use arguments to copy the files you want to the desired destination

to copy all the files run

python setup.py --all

to copy just the i3lock files

python setup.py --i3lock

to copy just the config files (neofetch, cava and ranger)

python setup.py --config

to copy just the i3 files

python setup.py --i3

to show the help

python setup.py -h