
Universal Media Editor

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


What is Qix?

Qix an application, a user interface and a data format which work together to allow users to create new applications and documents. The interface consists of simple interfaces for creating and editing plain text, rich text, vector graphics, bitmaps and 3D models. It also allows for the sharing and transformation of each item’s data. Larger applications can be created using these simple parts while not requiring the user to learn any new interfaces. Create spreadsheets, rich presentations or a videogame. Anything is possible when users can create what they need.

I made a presentation to help explain Qix’s concepts.

Development Path

Here are a list of steps required to make Qix in rough chronlogical order:

Create Base Application

Start with a blank running application. Qix will use CLinch, a graphics library custom made for such applications. Once CLinch is stable, Qix can begin in earnest.

Create a Text Editor Functions

Features should include:

Text Entry and Delete

Insert and Overwrite Modes

Text Cursor

Arrow Key Movement

Create “Click” Tools

Tools for:

Determining Where the User Has Clicked on a Mesh

Selecting Text by clicking and draging.

Create GUI Controls



Text Buffers

Multi-Select Boxes

Drop Down Boxes

Draw “Lines”

Billboard Items

Create 3D Editor Functions

Translate XYZ

Scale XYZ

Resize XYZ

Rotate XYZ

Add/Remove Nodes

Edit Vertexes

Edit Faces

Create Rich Text Editor Functions

Add functionality to edit the attributes of text:






Background Color






Create Vector Graphics Editing Functions

Create Raster Graphics Editor Functions

Create “Pipe” Functionality