
Feature Request --> markit - look at adding default TEST cases and update

BradleyA opened this issue · 1 comments

Tell us about your feature request:
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen or the change you would like to see. Use a use case to describe how a person would actually use your request to accomplish a goal. Thank you.

-> look at adding default TEST cases and update

Describe how your feature request could work:
Steps to demonstrate your feature request.

  1. Enter -> markit

How are you currently working without your feature request?
A description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered or are using today.

-> no testing


  • OS ( lsb_release -a ; Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 20.04 )

    -> N/A
  • Command: ( github-repository/ 2.199.861 )

    -> markit  2020-10-21T13:56:17.514013-05:00 (CDT)  master

added and tested de fault test cases