
ERROR: fseek() stream does not support seeking while not using BrainMonkey

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I wanted to create a test suit for Wordpress which includes lucatume/WP-Browser, BrainMonkey and Robo. I put them in the same composer vendor. Robo is a tool for executing commands, when I tried to test a tiny command in Robo, this error occured. And I tested some other commands but this error appeared after each execution. The strange thing is, I just didn't use any fonction of BrainMonkey. Here is the screenshot for the error :
Then I tried to remove dependencies, when I removed BrainMonkey 2.0.2, everything worked fine. I also tried BrainMonkey 1.5.0 and this one works fine.
Here are the dependencies of my composer.json file:

I really want to use BrainMonkey 2.0, please help me out, thank you.

@zengheng3 I have been reported of some issues by loading Patchwork from autoloader.

Your case seems another possible issue of this kind.

I just pushed a branch named patchwork-load-env whic allow to disable the autoload of Patchwork by setting an environment variable: BRAINMONKEY_PATCHWORK_NO_AUTOLOAD.

If you require BrainMonkey from dev-patchwork-load-env than you could try to run your Robo commands after the env var is set. e.g. something like:

export BRAINMONKEY_PATCHWORK_NO_AUTOLOAD=1 && robo some-command

If it works for you, this could be a good step to solve the issue.

I tried this solution and it works well, but I think this should be a default behavior, setting such a long variable before every execution is really annoying. I saw that lucatume/WP-Browser uses antecedent/patchwork too but this error didn't occured.

Sure. I am concerned that now removing the autoload could be a breaking change. I have to do some tests first.

This is old. Brain Monkey v2 does not load Patchwork from autoload anymore.