example mysql keygenerator
aspecialkey opened this issue · 6 comments
im new to vertx and i
d like it to use with an orm.
now ive problems to get startet with the keygenerator. when i work with debuggenerator everything works fine but i don
t know how to work with defaultkeyhenerator.
So it was nice to have an example therefore.
best regards
did you check the documentation here? You will need to have a running KeyGeneratorVerticle from the project vertx-key-generator at your event bus
please build a reproducer
i think the problem is, that it doesnt exist a MySqlKeyGenerator like the MongoKeyGenerator.
i have to implement it myself or am im wrong?
No, it can't be that. The MongoKeyGenerator is a KeyGenerator, which uses a Mongo-DB as source to store the generated keys and deliver them to the requester
or to be more clear: if you want absolutely that the IDs are generated by a MySQL, then you should implement an suitable KeywordGenerator. If not, then launch a MongoDb parallel to your MySQL, which does not use a lot of resources, and use the MongoKeyGenerator