
autocomplete working ?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, does the autocomplete is supposed to work in the input field as you type ? Like in here for example : tagify

Can't make it work with this tagify Angular wrapper.

Example in this image of what it is supposed to do :


Do you mean that the input field should show the completed part of a suggestion in gray color? I can't see any difference in behavior between your codepen example and the ngx-tagify demo (see "Another tagify" example). If you start typing Hello or World (at least 3 characters), it will show the rest of the word in gray. If your start with lowercase (hello or world), the gray part will only be shown if you hover or select a suggestion. So, it's the same behavior as with the original tagify library.

Or do you mean something else?

Do you mean that the input field should show the completed part of a suggestion in gray color? I


I actually resolved it. It was on my side.

For those who have the same "issue" :
I changed the Sass variable $tag-text-color in white ( #fff ) which resulted in being the same color as the input background-color so I could not see it even if in the dom html I could see the "data-suggest" working... Which confused me even more to find the problem that i caused.

this is actually more a Tagify related question than from your wrapper.

Thanks for the quick reply and to have made this usefull tagify wrapper and keep up the good work. :-)