

BrambleXu opened this issue · 0 comments

  • CIKM-2018-Propagating User Preferences on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems [PDF], [Code], 文章, 文章2

  • Computing recommendations via a Knowledge Graph-aware Autoencoder (2018). Vito Bellini et al. [PDF]

  • An Empirical Comparison of Knowledge GraphEmbeddings for Item Recommendation (2018). Enrico Palumbo et al. [PDF]

  • DKN: Deep Knowledge-Aware Network for News Recommendation (2018). Hongwei Wang et al. [PDF], [Code]

  • entity2rec: Learning User-Item Relatedness from Knowledge Graphs for Top-N Item Recommendation (2017). Enrico Palumbo et al. [PDF], [Code]

  • Interactive Recommendations by Combining User-Item Preferences with Linked Open Data (2018). Surya Kallumadi, William H. Hsu. [PDF]

  • Knowledge Graph Embeddings with node2vecfor Item Recommendation (2018). [PDF]

  • WhySoMuch: Recommendation System Using User-Item Profile Builded by Knowledge Graph. [Link]