
page not scrollable when second journey appears

crispipear opened this issue · 0 comments

(Web SDK)

We have a use case that involves 2 journeys (created from default templates)

  • interstitial: full page interstitial
    • page placement is inline
  • button: a floating button at the bottom of the page
    • filter was set to: has interacted with journey-> interstitial -> within the last 1 day, where interaction was dismiss

The problem: after dismissing the interstitial (first journey), the button (second journey) appears and the page becomes not scrollable.
Expected: page should be scrollable with floating button (second journey)

When I was inspecting the element, body looks like this when first journey appears:

<body style="margin-top: 812px; transition: all 0.375s ease 0s;" class="branch-banner-is-active">

After dismissing the first journey, second journey comes up, branch-banner-no-scroll was appended to body class:

<body style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 76px; transition: all 0.375s ease 0s;" class="  branch-banner-is-active branch-banner-no-scroll">

I have also tried disabling animation following this doc, same behavior still occurs.