
[Bug]: Endless spinner on blank page with no errors

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Describe the bug

Peanut does not do anything when I connect to it - there is only a spinner in the center of the page.

(Thank you for your time and effort in maintaining this plugin!)

Debug Output

When loading the PeaNUT Web UI, Chrome's JavaScript console is blank. Chrome's network log shows that all resources loaded properly with 200 status.

Docker log:

PeaNUT  | > peanut@2.5.0 start
PeaNUT  | > PORT=$WEB_PORT node server.js
PeaNUT  | 
PeaNUT  |    ▲ Next.js 14.1.0
PeaNUT  |    - Local:        http://a51845303b51:8080
PeaNUT  |    - Network:
PeaNUT  | 
PeaNUT  |  ✓ Ready in 47ms

Steps to reproduce

  1. Verify that NUT is properly serving on port 3493.
  2. Use this docker-compose.yml:
    version: '3'
        image: brandawg93/peanut:latest
        container_name: PeaNUT
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8080:8080
          - NUT_HOST=localhost
          - NUT_PORT=3493
          - WEB_PORT=8080
  3. Run docker compose up -d
  4. Visit localhost:8080 via SSH tunnel
  5. Endless spinner

Device Type

Intel NUC

UPS Device

Eaton 9SX2000; usbhid-ups

Last Working Version

No response

Does the api work for you? As in {baseUrl}/api/v1/devices

When I visit /api/v1/devices, it gives me an HTTP error 500.

Ok. And you don’t see any additional error message? My hypothesis is that it can’t connect to your NUT server. Are you able to connect to the NUT server directly?

Correct, there is no additional error message.

I am able to connect to the NUT server directly. When I run upsc eaton@localhost from the same machine, and when I upsc eaton@[nut server ip] from another machine on the same LAN, it properly returns the UPS stats (although before listing the stats, it does print the line "Init SSL without certificate database").

Please note that I just changed the port to 8090 in my docker compose file, because I started running a different service on 8080 in the mean time. This is the new docker compose file:

version: '3'
    image: brandawg93/peanut:latest
    container_name: PeaNUT
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8090:8090
      - NUT_HOST=localhost
      - NUT_PORT=3493
      - WEB_PORT=8090

And here are the screenshots of what happens when I connect via browser:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 2 03 36 PM Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 2 05 13 PM

Out of curiosity, what happens if you keep WEB_PORT as the default 8080 and use 8090:8080 for the docker ports? Could be a issue in the Dockerfile on my end 😄

No prob! I updated my dockerfile:

version: '3'
    image: brandawg93/peanut:latest
    container_name: PeaNUT
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8090:8080
      - NUT_HOST=localhost
      - NUT_PORT=3493
      - WEB_PORT=8080

Then I did a docker compose down and docker compose up -d. The same behavior is exhibited when I load / and /api/v1/devices in the browser.

I also opened up port 8090 temporarily and connected directly over LAN with my web browser, to rule out the SSH tunnel causing any issues. But I still get the exact same behavior in the browser.

Hmm. What happens if you change NUT_HOST to the ip of the host device (instead of localhost)? Maybe docker isn’t properly translating localhost.

Oh! That did the trick. I changed NUT_HOST from localhost to the ip of the ethernet adapter of the machine hosting docker hosting peanut. Now both the dashboard and the API are working.

Thank you for helping me diagnose this!