
No data points @ top ads by domain/queries

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Not sure whether you're able to help out here too, but I'll give it a shot.

Followed your guide, everything setup correctly as it seems, dashboards are working and data is coming in.

What's not working:

Every other graph displays data as intended.

Did I miss something? Any pointers?



This is usually an indication that the server running this cannot reach http://pi.hole/admin. Try running the container using docker-compose up (without the -d) to see what errors it is throwing.

I've added an environment variable to allow you to manually specify the location of your pi. If you cannot reach http://pi.hole/admin, try changing that line of code to the pihole instance ip address directly.

Now it's working after I exchanged the dns name for the IP. Thank you @Brandawg93