
Corrupted images

Birillo71 opened this issue · 5 comments

I tried to configure the integration, but I get images like this:

Screenshot 2021-04-20 at 10 30 47

Do you have any idea about what could be the reason for it, please?
Please note that I am using the latest versions of the plug-in and of node.js: v14.16.1

@Birillo71 - this issue is being automatically closed because it does not follow either the feature request or bug report issue template. The issue templates have been designed to help in the troubleshooting (or feature request) process. Please use them and populate it as completely as possible to streamline troubleshooting or feature request discussions.

This is due to ffmpeg. When getting images from the stream, it sometimes does this. EZVIZ has an endpoint for images now and I've been attempting to implement it.

Thank you @Brandawg93 .
Do you have an idea of the timeline already?

Currently, the EZVIZ API has some major bugs (e.g. when you activate the camera alarm, the API throws an error, but the alarm still turns on). I've been following along with their iOS app releases to see when these bugs will be fixed, and once they do, I will release a new version.

Hi, I got the same issue. any further information about this fixes?