
Preferences in Firefox (macOS) aren't loading

Gravydog316 opened this issue · 8 comments

Preferences aren't working...
I want to add TinEye & others to search results, (as only Google images is finding me results,)
and there's no way to add/change searches


  1. Which version of Firefox do you use?
  2. Which language?
  3. Do you use any script blockers?
  4. Do you use first party isolation?

don’t know what iso is?

It's just for isolating site data, if you don't know it you probably don't have it activated (must be activated in about:config via privacy.firstparty.isolate, but it breaks a lot of sites).

Hm, can you please open the options page, press F12, navigate to the console and show me if there are any warnings or errors?

I honestly don't know why it doesn't work for yoiu, I sadly can't reproduce this. Have you tried removing the addon, restarting Firefox and reinstalling it?

I was able to recreate this error.


  1. Open options in a private (incognito) window

If you check the console for the options page, you get

Uncaught TypeError: backgroundPage is null

Probably related to this: