
truncate html and keep tag in safe

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Truncate html string and keep tags in safe. You can custom ellipsis sign, ignore unwanted elements.

Notice This is a node module depends on cheerio can only run on nodejs. If you need a browser version, you may consider truncate or nodejs-html-truncate.


truncate(html, [length], [options])

Available options

    length: Number, content length to truncate
    stripTags: Boolean, whether to remove tags
    ellipsis: String, custom ellipsis sign, set it to empty string to remove the ellipsis postfix
    excludes: String or Array, the selectors of the elements you want to ignore
    decodeEntities: Boolean, auto decode html entities in the html string
    keepWhitespaces: Boolean, keep whitespaces, whether to replace continuous spaces with one space

Default options

truncate.defaultOptions = {
  stripTags: false,
  ellipsis: '...',
  decodeEntities: false,
  keepWhitespaces: false


npm install truncate-html


Notice Extra blank spaces in html content will be removed. If the html string content's length is shorter than options.length, then no ellipsis will be appended to the final html string. If longer, then the final html content's length will be options.length + options.ellipsis.

var truncate = require('truncate-html');

// truncate html
var html = '<p><img src="abc.png">This is a string</p> for test.';
truncate(html, 10);
// returns: <p><img src="abc.png">This is a ...</p>

// with options, remove all tags
var html = '<p><img src="abc.png">This is a string</p> for test.';
truncate(html, 10, {stripTags: true});
// returns: This is a ...

// with options, keep whitespaces
var html = '<p>         <img src="abc.png">This is a string</p> for test.';
truncate(html, 10, {keepWhitespaces: true});
// returns: <p>         <img src="abc.png">This is a ...</p>

// combine length and options
var html = '<p><img src="abc.png">This is a string</p> for test.';
truncate(html, {
    length: 10,
    stripTags: true
// returns: This is a ...

// custom ellipsis sign
var html = '<p><img src="abc.png">This is a string</p> for test.';
truncate(html, {
    length: 10,
    ellipsis: '~'
// reutrns: <p><img src="abc.png">This is a ~</p>

// exclude some special elements(by selector), they will be removed before counting content's length
var html = '<p><img src="abc.png">This is a string</p> for test.';
truncate(html, {
    length: 10,
    ellipsis: '~',
    excludes: 'img'
// reutrns: <p>This is a ~</p>

// exclude more than one category elements
var html = '<p><img src="abc.png">This is a string</p><div class="something-unwanted"> unwanted string inserted ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )</div> for test.';
truncate(html, {
    length: 20,
    stripTags: true,
    ellipsis: '~',
    excludes: ['img', '.something-unwanted']
// returns: This is a string for~

// handing encoded characters
var html = '<p>&nbsp;test for &lt;p&gt; encoded string</p>'
truncate(html, {
    length: 20,
    decodeEntities: true
// returns: <p> test for &lt;p&gt; encode...</p>

// when set decodeEntities false
var html = '<p>&nbsp;test for &lt;p&gt; encoded string</p>'
truncate(html, {
    length: 20,
    decodeEntities: false // this is the dafault value
// returns: <p>&nbsp;test for &lt;p...</p>

// and there may be a surprise by setting `decodeEntities` to true  when handing CJK characters
var html = '<p>&nbsp;test for &lt;p&gt; 中文 string</p>'
truncate(html, {
    length: 20,
    decodeEntities: true
// returns: <p> test for &lt;p&gt; &#x4E2D;&#x6587; str...</p>
// to fix this, see below for instructions

Known issues

Known issues about handing CJK characters when set the option decodeEntities to true.

You have seen the option decodeEntities, it's really magic! When it's true, encoded html entities will be decoded automatically, so &amp; will be treat as a single character. This is probably what we want. But, if there are CJK characters in the html string, they will be replaced by characters like &#xF6; in the final html you get. That's confused.

To fix this, you have two choices:

  • keep the option decodeEntities false, but &amp; will treat as five characters.
  • modify cheerio's source code: find out the function getInverse in the file ./node_modules/cheerio/node_modules/entities/lib/decode.js, comment out the last line .replace(re_nonASCII, singleCharReplacer);.