
Analyzing multiple videos with multiple output videos

myscho15 opened this issue · 1 comments


i have question - is posible in DVR SCAN make command to analyze multiple videos and then every analyzed video will have outputs in separated video?

In folder have i videos: from 001 to 040.avi ... and standard is one output 001-040output.avi, I want to make command wich give me 40 outpus videos...

Thank you and sorry for misstakes, my Ennglish is verry bad.

I'll be looking into this in the future to support glob inputs, but for now take a look at Issue #5.

There are some workarounds posted there which can help by using a shell/cmd script, e.g. for Windows:

for /F %i in ('dir *.avi /b') do dvr-scan -i %i

And for Linux/Mac:

for f in "*"
    dvr-scan -i $f

Closing as duplicate of #5; feel free to continue the discussion there if you have any further questions :)