
Section 508 502.3.1: (Oxidized/button '') The Name property must not contain any characters in the private Unicode range.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The following accessibility issue needs investigation.

App: Oxidized

Element path: button ''

Issue Details: The Name property must not contain any characters in the private Unicode range. Section 508 502.3.1

How To Fix: Modify the Name property, removing all characters in the range U E000 to U F8FF and replace them with meaningful, standard text content.

This accessibility issue was found using Accessibility Insights for Windows, a tool that helps debug and find accessibility issues earlier. Get more information and download this tool at

It looks like an automated tool wrote this issue. This is not enough information to fix this particular bug. Please note that there are a number of buttons and other controls that don’t have automation properties set yet, so a tool like Accessibility Insights won’t be very useful in narrowing down problems since most things are problems.